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Object to be identified and measured.

Binomial branching process:

Stochastic process used to model population as a set of discrete random variables $X_i$ over time units $i$, where the transition between consecutive states is dictated by a binomial distribution.


A initial period of iterations of a MCMC method before the covariance matrix is updated and the transition kernel adopts a new shape.

Expression matrix:

Each row of the expression matrix represents a gene and each column represents a cell (NB: sometimes the transpose is used). Each entry represents the expression level of a particular gene in a given cell. The units by which the expression is meassured depends on the protocol and the normalization strategy used for the data. Many analyses of scRNA-seq data take as their starting point an expression matrix.

Fat hairy caterpillar:

The shape of the trace plot generated during inference, indicating that the Markov chain is well-mixed.

Gene dropout:

A gene being observed at a moderate expression level in one cell but not being detected in another cell.


The presence of more than one type of organellar genome (mitochondrial DNA or plastid DNA) within a cell or individual. It can be expressed as a ratio $m/(w+m)$, with $m$ the number of mutant DNA molecules present, and $w$ the number of wildtype.

Jeffrey's prior:

A non-informative prior distribution proportional to the square root of the determinant of the Fisher information matrix.

Manhattan skyline:

The shape of the trace plot generated during inference, indicating that the Markov chain is 'hot'.


Probability distribution of a variable, incorporating prior knowledge into the model before inference is performed.


Probability distribution of a variable given observed data, the target object of interest in inference on experimental data.

Sequencing depth:

A measure related to the number of unique reads that include a given nucleotide in the reconstructed sequence. Deep sequencing refers to the general concept of aiming for high number of unique reads of each region of a sequence.

Sequencing read:

The sequence of a section of a unique fragment of RNA transcript.


Non-mutant DNA molecule.

Abbreviations and Notation


The parameter describing the proportionality of the fluorescence intensity emitted at a given cycle to the number of molecules at that point.


Akaike information criterion.


Adaptive Metropolis (algorithm).


complementary DNA.


Droplet digital PCR.


Hidden Markov Model.


Markov chain Monte Carlo.


Metropolis Hastings (algorithm).


mitochondrial DNA.


polymerase chain reaction.


quantitative PCR.


the efficiency of the qPCR experiment.


RNA sequencing.


the variance contributing to the noise term in the fluorescence expression.


single cell RNA sequencing.


the initial number of molecules present in the single cell, the primary target analyte.